Friday 30 March 2007

The Boot of Glory

Here it is. The ankle boot of glory. In "suede", and now heavily waterproofed for the random flash floods we've experienced in the last 2 days, this is my ankle boot.

I'm wearing them now! With thick tights, black dress over stripy top. And to blow my own horn, I have really good hair today. The process was this- yesterday, wash, condition, slightly dry side part, plait into 2 plaits. Go to work, go to spin, go to bar, get drunk, go to bed. Wake up today with plaits STILL INTACT, tie them together to shower, pin back fringe and wear showercap (leopard print!) take off showercap, take out pins, and VOILA!! The perfect hair. Amazing. Its also really soft, so to continue yesterdays hair rant- DO NOT try to blowdry hair with conditioner in it. Your hair goes the texture and appearance of hay. And while 4 days later it will emerge soft and fluffy, its 4 days of hell. Plaiting to get a wavy-ness or leaving to dry naturally with conditioner in works a million percent better. Not sure how it goes with the straightener yet, that will be next weeks experiment.

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