Tuesday, 28 August 2007

A Vent With A Happy Ending

Regular readers may have picked up on this from my usual rantings about various things but I cannot STAND useless people. I am having trouble with an ex-housemate at the moment and I swear I have never met a lazier, more arrogant, useless, irritating, FRUSTRATING person in my life. Why do some people think (despite six normal months of living in the same house) that you are out to get them? And take it hard, and make it their mission to make your life as difficult as possible even though you have done everything to make their lives easy? (Just to make myself feel better, this jerk is also 30 years old, thinks women are there to furnish his house for him, single and going to stay that way forever as no self respecting modern women with HALF a brain would come within 30 feet of him). Deep breath.

I just had to vent. Its one thing after another with this guy and I am so tired of dealing with him.

On a good note, here are

6 Things You Want for This Warm Melbourne Weather!
  1. Big happy sunglasses
  2. Sunscreen
  3. A dress- long and flowy and possibly very bright OR for the men cuffed shorts just above the knee
  4. extremely cool sandals of the variety I have on layby or similar; OR havianas in the brightest colour you can find
  5. A hat! Just wear it! You'll look awesome and be happy!
  6. A big bag to carry your essentials, PLUS all the happy things you'll find out on your warm afternoon walk
Now, who wants a special Melbourne Bloggers Sunny Afternoon where we can meet each other, hang out and play in the sunshine?


Anthony said...

Housemates are the pits... move in with a gay boy I say! LOL... at least you'll have something in common. Men! Hehehe.

I'd be up for a bloggers meet. Although I have to plan my outfit very carefully... I may be judged as an inadequate appreciater of fashion! Mon dieu!

pinkmilk said...

sunny afternoons aren't the pits though, mmm, lovely! (have had a very damp summer in Paris and craving sunshine of any sort. Roll on saturday and holiday).

glam-o-holic said...

Oh yes! Let's! Can we make it a picnic??? With a picnic rugs and a picnic basket filled with little sandwiches? : D

Anonymous said...

How can you say you're not out to get him, and yet you cane him in a public forum, on a blog he probably knows you contribute to.

Miss Zoe said...

hahaha I never said I wasnt out to get him.....