Friday, 25 May 2007

New Day, New CD, New Look

I've been thinking about this for a while and making notes in the back of my uni notebook while at lectures, and debating, and wondering, and mulling over, and I've decided, maybe, it might be time for an update of my look. Not that I really have a look (although please correct me if you know me cos I'm really blind to this sort of thing), but I think some new ground can be explored.

Specifically in the area of hair, but also in dress, and possibly in makeup. I've been looking at recent photos, and come to the conclusion that I could do with a) a hair change (although still long! dont panic!) and maybe some more serious lip colour.

I'm also dreaming of a new this one:

(photo from Its the collar. And the lips. I'm going to be working more next semester and I dont want to get into a work uniform rut. I need to be more outrageous in my work choices (after all, I work in a music store, its not like I have to wear a suit) and generally be a bit more out there.

So I want wilder hair. Like this:
(Photo from The Sartorialist). Mine is a lot longer and much less curly than this but how COOL is she?! I think my hair would respond well to a little fro action. And then it could be messy and easy, which would be awesome. BUT this may require a cut to get it in the right shape. Or I could get a fringe, or a colour (dark dark like one shade away from black). Any thoughts?

As for the dress, I'm thinking dresses (der) but dresses with shape. Not necessarily shaped to fit, but shape that gives a different silhouette, you know? Shape-changing dresses. I have a little trapeze pinafore and a bubble skirted dress and I think this is a good start. Think Gucci sparkly minidresses or Fendi silver a-line minidresses. (i'd get pics for you but its nearly lunchtime and I'm running out of morning energy). Its kind of an shapely, chic, doll-style. With crazy cool hair.

PS I am listening to the new Rufus Wainwright and so help me if the man isnt TOTALLY gorgeous..... I know he's gay, but I can love him anyway. And the strings on the album are stunning, and theres a FLUTE SOLO.

PPS I want a tshirt printed with a Prince album- problem is, which one??? Molly, this is where you come in.......

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