Saturday 26 May 2007

Star Guitar.....

So its Saturday morning and the Audreys were AWESOME last night. Only glitch in the evening was the drunken rednecks who were TALKING, LOUDLY, through the entire set..... I dont get it. This was a sold out gig, at a venue renowned for bands, and it was in the band room, not in the normal pub area, or the beer garden, and these people paid $40 to see this band- and they stood with their backs to them and TALKED. Over the top of the band, to the point where between songs there was a quiet roar of noise. Disgusting.

On a lighter note, or really just a different note, I really really really really want to go shopping. I want colourful, printed things. I want fish (live fish), and a US Vogue subscription, and a tshirt with the cover of Led Zeppelin's III on it, and a pink tshirt, and a stripy dress, and comfy supportive black ballet slippers (bit random I know, but so comfy at work, and not as random as the fish, you have to admit).

I also want a Daisy Rock Star Guitar:
How cool is that!!!! It would be PERFECT for our band. I would ROCK. OUT.

I also need some guitar lessons. This is a minor setback.

But back to the shopping. Its been a lean few weeks what with the spending freezes etc, although that hasnt really stopped me, and I dont REALLY have any money, but.... if I saw something I loved...... I dont know. I cant decide whether to go into the Big City on my way home from work in case I find something. I shouldnt spend any money, really, but then my addiction is calling me!

Its a problem. What to do? I think I SHOULD just go straight home and then go to the gym or something..... but I could just pop in quickly, and risk Shoppers Depression. You know, when you head off to shop, but know you cant really afford it? And then you buy something, which you dont really need, and you get a bit depressed cos now you've spent the money, and it was kinda a waste, and you've done the wrong thing by yourself? Shoppers Depression.

I think I'll write a list, then weigh up the pros and cons.

Also I am getting broadband at home so I'll be able to post much more interesting and relevant things from the comfort of my own bedroom and not be rushed and paranoid at work. Hooray!


Emma said...

Oy, rednecks. So necky. I just want to shout "SHHHHHHHHH".
Me likey guitar pin. Perfect for my wannabe-rock star alter ego.

molly said...

hmm i cant find "sexy mf" anywhere either!
damn prince sweeping youtube and removing everything

okay i take that back
hes great